Sunday, September 18, 2011

The felt

Amongst the ring of fires across the pacific
Lies a beauty land full of peace and serenity
A smile and gratitude bows to greet you
A humble heart,ready to help eases you
The nature dawns each day and dusk beautifies it
No brown highs of Himalayas but plenty green bears
The white old grandpa rests and walks across them
And I capture it my eyes and heart each day
Beneath the roads the water gushes hail my heart
The beauty of streams stars each night
On my bike I trod along the roads
To feel to breathe and date god's land
I reached this wonderland for a purpose
But each day it's adding to my life's purpose
Just looking at the moon tonite, to heavens above
It's a message sent "arigatou gozaimsu"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A chirpy little in the nest

Inspired by a Friend's daughter :)

The hay is laid with efforts of days, the nest is in place
Ma and pa both rest and nest their hopes everyday
The warmth of a mother on the egg laid is most warm
The first crack, chirp is unmatchable, it smiles to world
That smile and the heart sink is a diamond that sparkles
The beak to feed, the feathers to cover the cold is only one,
The feathers grow, the flocks in the nest flow, and smiles go wider
The lessons to touch the sky, the lessons to feed thy way linger around
The little feathers flatter themselves and the beak touches the grains
And then a flight paves a freedom to build another nest.
The nest again nests with four feet and no egg,
Ma and pa recall the days when the beaks fed the hungry kid
The rain came and went, the winter came and went
They shed their age like an autumn wave across
But the still smile over the hatched egg like a blossoming spring.
That’s what we call love, its love in the nest and our lives.
One nest from another, one life to another we move across